Case History

A sour crude oil storage tank was cleaned using FQE® Solvent-H and FQE LEL-Vapor resulting in H2S reductions from over 100 ppm to non-detectable levels

Results Achieved

H2S levels reduced from over 100 ppm to non-detectable
No manhours required
inside the vessel

Chemicals Utilized

Award-winning asphaltene dispersant and anti-foulant


Rapid absorption and encapsulation of vapor-state hydrocarbons

Project Overview
Tank Size 190 ft. (58 m) diameter
Tank Design External floating roof
Service Crude Oil Sour
Sludge Volume 7,480 barrels (1,189 m3)
% Oil Recovered 96.5%
Time Required 3 weeks
A large petroleum refinery in the United States cleaned a sour crude oil storage tank using FQE Solvent-H and FQE LEL-Vapor.

The detectable hydrogen sulfide levels were over 100 ppm prior to the introduction of the chemicals and were reduced to non-detectable levels upon completion. The project was performed on the exterior of the vessel by introducing the selected chemicals through a proprietary nozzle and pumping system designed to insure the bottoms agitation. Nozzles were then installed on the external floating roof and through the tank side manways, therefore no manhours were required inside the vessel.

The recovered oil was then processed to the plant coker unit, and the wastewater from the cleaning process was approved for disposal on-site at the wastewater treatment plant. The tank was approved by maintenance staff for a change of service.

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